Tuesday, November 24, 2009

~Buka Bicara~

hai hai hai..hello hello hello...ekekeka, DJ radio la plak CN..

First of all, dis is 1st post CN kt blog baru..khas CN dedikasikan tuk semua pminat2 novel..nice to xpress dat we share interest in da same line, even sumtime with difference interpretation n feeling...but, we ENJOY it rite :-)

So, dis blog actually CN berNIAT tuk luahkan cetusan pikiran n apa yang CN rase bout ape yg CN bace..it might be same wit u but might be not..so, dialu2kan utk sme2 bkongsi rasa n cerita bsama CN yea...
Happy Blogging..Commenting...and ENJOYYinggg...yg pastiiii bersma CN, CintaNovella


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